DC Ramban appreciates public support in implementing Corona curfew


‘District witnessing high recovery rate with 343 fresh recoveries reported in one day’  

RAMBAN: Reflecting a rise in recovery rate, 343 covid patients were discharged after their full recovery, while 71 new positive cases were reported in District Ramban, today.

The recovery of 343 patients in a single day is a good sign after huge surge in positive cases witnessed during the month of May, Deputy Commissioner, Mussarat Islam, said here at a press briefing about the covid scenario  in the district.

  The DC said that aggressive Covid testing has been carried to detect the cases and contain the spread. “ The tests were  conducted at construction sites of local as well as national projects and in rural areas of the district to keep tab on positive cases and isolate them. “Nearly 1000 to 1200 samples of both RTPCR and RAT are being collected by the health workers in the district on a daily basis,” he added.

The DC said that as a result of aggressive Covid testing a total 2365 positive cases were reported, out of which 1444 recovered fully, unfortunately 25 persons were lost. He the rest  896 positive patients are under treatment in different Covid Care Centres as well as under observations in home isolation. 

The DC informed that District Disaster Management Authority, Ramban notified 8 Micro Containment Zones in the district. The Health Department carried out 100% sampling  and  no more positive cases were reported in these areas. The Administration is assessing the possibilities to de-notify these areas, he added. 

 The DC informed that 702 D and B type medical oxygen cylinders are  in stock at different medical blocks of the district and till now no deficiency of medical oxygen is reported in the district.   The DC said that civil and allied works of the medical oxygen plant in District Hospital has been completed and an oxygen generation machine will be installed soon. 

The District Administration has already started the process to  identify the locations for setting up 5-bedded Covid Care facilities (isolation wards) with the provision of Medical Oxygen Cylinders in all 143 panchayats of the district, he informed. 

The DC informed that implementation of Corona curfew is being monitored by the senior officers of Civil and police administration and Rs 8.68 Lakh fine was recovered from the violators since April 1.          

 The DC appreciated the people of district including traders, business establishments, social originations, NGOs, transporters and especially the general public for extending cooperation in implementing restrictions which imposed to break the chain of Covid infection in wake of 2nd surge of Covid-19.