SDM Karnah, holds introductory meeting with officers


KUPWARA: The Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Karnah, Dr. Gulzar Ahmad Rather today held an introductory meeting with the officers and discussed various measures for Covid-19 containment in the border sub division.

On the occasion, SDM directed the BMO to vaccinate people above the age of 45 years and ensure RAT test is conducted in the main bazar Tangdar so that maximum people are tested.

Moreover, the SDM also directed all the DDOs serving in the sub division to prepare a list of employees who have received the Covid vaccine  and also produce the certificates thereto. He directed the officers of the sub division to not leave the station/headquarters without his prior permission.

The SDM appealed the people of the border sub division to strictly follow the Covid SOPs for their own safety and for the safety of others.