ARTO Ramban conducts enforcement drive on face masks


RAMBAN: In view the mounting threat of the second Cobid wave, Assistant Regional Transport Office (ARTO), Ramban, Shafqat Majid today conducted a drive to sensitize people about the importance of maintaining physical distance and wearing face masks, while travelling in vehicle and venturing out to carry out their essential works.

The ARTO along with the enforcement team went around   Bus stand, Ramban and National Highway and inspected the status of physical distance between passengers travelling in vehicles.  He asked the drivers and conductors   to ensure use of face masks by the passengers   prior to allowing them inside their vehicles. He also inspected local autos and other passenger vehicles and asked the drives to ensure protective measures.

The enforcement team also realized a fine of Rs. 3000 from persons travelling in vehicles and roaming without wearing face masks in public places. 

Commuters were also sensitized about the COVID–19 and following of various SOPs issued time and again.