DDC kick-starts Chinar plantation drive at Budgam


Calls for protecting Chinars for ecological benefits, symbol of Heritage

BUDGAM: The District Development Commissioner, (DDC) Budgam, Shahbaz Ahmed Mirza today planted Chinar trees at Bihisht Zehra Park in Budgam to mark the launch and celebration of the Chinar Day, here.

On the occasion, a Chinar plantation drive was organized by the Department of Floriculture Budgam.

Speaking on the occasion, the DDC directed concerned to plant maximum number of Chinars across the district for better greenery and safe environment.

Asserting on maintaining green cover, the DDC directed concerned to ensure planting of Chinar trees at public parks, gardens and schools across the district. He asked the concerned to take proper care of the plants to ensure these are grown safely at all spots.

The DDC asked the concerned to generate awareness on the importance of preserving Chinars as essential for our ecological benefits. He said that stringent action will be taken against any person found indulging in cutting, damaging or vandalizing the Chinars any way at anywhere in the district.

The DDC further said that the Chinar is a symbol of Kashmir’s rich heritage and urged people to stop constructions near Chinars only to damage them.

On the occasion, the DDC was briefed by the Assistant Floriculture Officer Budgam that as many as 1000 Chinar trees will be planted across the district this year.