CUK’s SLS holds training workshop for police personnel


GANDERBAL: Department of Law, School of Legal Studies (SLS), Central University of Kashmir (CUK) through Legal Aid Clinic for Juveniles in Srinagar organised a one-day training workshop on “Juvenile Justice System in Jammu and Kashmir: Procedures and Practices – A Way Forward” in collaboration with UNICEF at Tulmulla campus on Wednesday.

The Legal Aid Clinic has been established under the patronage of the project “Access to Justice” sponsored by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India. The workshop was inaugurated with a welcome address by Prof. Farooq Ahmad Mir, Head of the Department of Law and Dean of the School of Legal Studies.

Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mehraj ud Din Mir, who chaired the session during the workshop highlighted the contributions of the Department in organizing such events and appreciated the quality of academic activities at the School of Legal Studies. He focused on the institution of the family and stressed that delinquency in childhood becomes a sort of ladder which needs to be looked after. ‘Taking care of it at an early stage would prevent the rate of crime to shoot up.’

Prof. Ved Kumari, former Head and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, was keynote speaker for the workshop. During her address, she made a presentation on the concept of ‘Juvenile’ and related concerns. She also spoke about the Role of Police in terms of child welfare.

Guest of Honor, Mohammad Sultan Lone, Deputy Inspector General, Department of Prisons, J&K addressed the audience on the social aspects of crime.

He talked about the determinants related to the prevention of crime in society. There were two technical sessions during the day. Among participants, there were 20 Trainees from the Police Department of J&K including Inspectors, Sub Inspectors and Assistant Sub Inspectors, Students and Faculty Members of the Department of Law. Moreover, 11 Resource Persons across the nation from various organizations provided training to the participants.

Prof. M Afzal Zargar, Registrar, who was Guest of Honour at the valedictory function threw light on the importance of such training programmes and assured all possible help to the department in future for such academic endeavors.