JRL calls for protests on Friday as a mark of solidarity with Palestinians


SRINAGAR: Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) on Wednesday called for peaceful protests after Friday prayers as a mark of solidarity with “our Palestinian brethren”.

In a statement, the JRL comprising Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and Yasin Malik, appealed to the “freedom loving people of Kashmir to organize peaceful protests in every nook and corner of the state after Friday prayers in solidarity to our Palestinian brethren on 18 May 2018.”

JRL termed the widespread genocide of the innocent people of Palestine as a brazen attack on humanity and condemned the use of brute force against the helpless people including women and children.

“Palestine and Kashmir are two faces of a single coin of subjugation, be it Israeli aggression or Indian, we are forced to live in a similarly uneven and uncertain political situation,” they said.

JRL sought UN intervention to settle peacefully both the long pending conflicts of Palestine and Kashmir in accordance with the agreed principles of UN, “to put an end to widespread genocide and rule of tyranny in both the said disputed regions.”