India is trying to resolve conflict with China: Rajnath Singh


NEW DELHI: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said that India was trying to resolve conflicts with China through militarily- and diplomatic-level talks. He said that China had also shown its willingness to solve all conflicts through dialogue.

“Talks—both at the military and the diplomatic level—are already going on between the two countries,” the Defence Minister said while addressing the first-ever virtual ‘Jammu Samvad Rally’ to highlight the achievements of the BJP-led government at the Centre.

“Neither the opposition nor Parliament will be kept in the dark about talks with China,” said Rajnath Singh.

In an obvious reference to recent statements of Congress leaders, he said, “In a democracy, we realized the importance of the opposition and we respect them also.”

“We are living in a democratic country and the opposition has its own role. I assured the opposition that details of the ongoing dialogue between India and China will be divulged at the appropriate time,” the Defence Minister said, adding, “Time and again the government has briefed the nation about developments on the borders.”

Singh, however, made it clear that the “pride of the nation” will be protected at any cost. 

“There will be no compromise on the nation’s pride,” he said.

The Defence Minister said that India was “competent” enough to defend the nation.

“We are equipping our forces with advanced weapons,” Singh said and revealed that the supply of multi-role fighter aircrafts Rafale will start in July this year.