DDC B’la reviews pace, position of several developmental Projects


BARAMULLA,: With an aim to get the first hand appraisal of various ongoing developmental projects in the wake of COVID-19 lockdown,  District Development Commissioner Baramulla, Dr G N Itoo today inspected several developmental works to take stock of their pace and position.

DDC inspected the patching and other repairing work on National Highway wherein he stressed upon the Beacon and other concerned agencies to strengthen the drainage system so that the problem of water logging is tackled.

Dr Itoo also reviewed progress of other ongoing developmental projects undertaken by different executing agencies and took appraisal of their position during which he directed the concerned to ramp up the pace of work so that they are completed within the stipulated time.

He also exhorted  for productive utilization of available resource besides emphasized for  mobilising additional men and machinery to achieve the desirable target.

Moreover, DC directed to keep in consideration the related health advisories especially maintaining social distancing and using safety gears at the project or work sites.

He said that a proper mechanism has been formulated wherein special magistrates have been appointed to supervise the initiation of developmental works during the present circumstances of COVID-19 outbreak.