Bar Association Baramulla bids adieu to outgoing PD&SJ, Mobile Magistrate


BARAMULLA: Bar Association Baramulla today organized a grand and impressive farewell function here to bid adieu to the outgoing Principal District & Sessions Judge Baramulla, Mohammad Yousuf Wani and Mobile Megistrate Baramulla Sajad-ur Rehman.

Ist Additional District and Sessions Judge Baramulla Shabir Ahmad Malik, NIA Judge, Pawan Kumar, Munsif Judge Baramulla, Zahoor Ahmad Ganie, President Bar Association Baramulla, Farooq-u-Din besides Bar Members, Advocates and other concerned participated in the farewell function.

All the Bar Members, Advocates present in the function lauded the working style and leadership qualities of both the judges and extended their best wishes for their new assignment.

Speaking on the occasion, President, Bar Association Baramulla said that the Principal District and Sessions Judge and Mobile Magistrate have given their best in their respective fields and have set examples in their work fields. He appreciated the working nature of the outgoing dignitaries.

The Principal District and Sessions Judge and Mobile Magistrate also spoke on the occasion and extended their gratitude to the whole team and thanked the Bar Association Baramulla for organizing such an impressive farewell.